Website restored, Zelda II 100%+ speedrun route made available

21:13 04/05/2023

I've restored the site after taking it down some time ago for personal reasons. Additionally, I've added my speedrun route for Zelda II 100%+ to the site. I also plan on adding sections for personal hobbies - as I am a fibre artist outside of speedrunning - which will use a seperate RSS feed from the rest of the site.

It's Autumn here, and I hope to get a lot done over the next little bit.

- Amber "Supreme Dirt" Figueiredo

A Link to the Past 100% speedrun route added to the site

07:59 a. m. 08/09/2023

I've added my current route document for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 100% Glitchless. It also contains some ambling about versions of the game and differences with the community category. You can find it here. I may make it into a tutorial at some point, but for now it serves its purpose. I believe I might be the only place to document the Satellaview release of the game's sole gameplay difference.

I've also cleaned the site up on the code side a lot. You won't really notice a difference, but I sure do.

That's it for today. It might be a little bit before another update.

- Amber "Supreme Dirt" Figueiredo

New page and new score run route for Ancient Stone Tablets

04:37 a. m. CLST 06/09/2023

Today I've added the first "real" page, my score running guide for Ancient Stone Tablets week 1, including a simple tutorial to get started with running it. It can be found here. It's fairly rough still and there are things i want to optimize still, but it'll have to do for now as I move on with the remaining 3 weeks.

I've been considering making an english language resource for the chilean card game "Mitos y leyendas" for some time now, and I may make a subsite on this site for that. It remains to be seen as it is a monumental project to undertake.

I am currently thinking about articles to write for this site. We'll see what I can come up with, but my wife has been very encouraging about me writing again, even if I'm not much of a writer.

- Amber "Supreme Dirt" Figueiredo

Our very first page has been added today.

05:35 a. m. CLST 05/09/2023

Today I added a page for a speedrun project I am working on that I am endearingly calling the "Zelda Grand Slam". I've been enamored with the idea of multi-game speedruns for a long time, and I've done Donkey Kong Country series 306% in the past for example, but this one is on a whole entire level. It's a speedrun of all games in the "The Legend of Zelda" series, with 100% completion without glitches as the goal. I have to learn a very long set of games in order for this to even be reasonable, and I don't expect to do the final marathon until 2025. The only game I'm likely leaving out is Zelda's Adventure, as that game is just really truly horrendous and might burn me out.

Currently, I have a sort of plan for learning it. I just learned and got comfortable with Link to the Past 100%, and I'm in the middle of routing Ancient Stone Tablets as a Score Run. One day a week, I intend to practice either Zelda 1 or 2, both fairly brutal speedruns that if I grind too much of I will undoubtedly burn out. Then, whatever else I am currently working on will constitute the rest of my practice each week. Currently this will focus on Ancient Stone Tablets, and after that I'll move forward to Link's Awakening.

Now, there are a tiny handful of games in the series I haven't actually finished casually - this list currently consisting of Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamelon, Skyward Sword, and Spirit Tracks. Currently I'm making my way through Spirit Tracks, and it's a wonderful little game that really reminds me how brilliant the DS Zelda games are.

I hope when the time comes you will join me for the marathon. The page itself is a little rough, but as this project continues it'll take a bit more solid shape.

- Amber "Supreme Dirt" Figueiredo